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Welcome to Shanghai Fall 2019 ❤️

The Magic Blogs: Welcome
The Magic Blogs: Blog2
  • Krystal

I Made It!!

It's time to say goodbye to Shanghai. Days and times in Shanghai have passed by very quickly. My study abroad journey has come to an end. It was definitely a once a lifetime experience and memories for me. I am glad that I am able to step out of my comfort zone to stay and live in an unfamiliar country, culture, and environment without my family and friends. During these past few months, I have met many exchange/international students from all around the world and some local Chinese students. It was a great networking experience to connect with people that came from different places than me. Without this trip, I would not have been able to do many things that I have done in Shanghai.

I've learned many new lessons, especially how to use my phone to survive in China. This is all because you will need to use your phone everyday to use or make payments for transportation, food, drinks, lodging, entertainment, etc. through various apps such as Alipay, Wechat, and Meituan. This is a totally brand new experience for me as I do not rely on my phone to do all these things when I am in Hawaii. I would need to carry cash or credit card to dine out, catch the bus, and/or watch movies with my friends, which this is two opposite living styles. It was a challenge for me at first, but I think I have overcome this problem as I realized how easy and convenient it was afterwards.

Some of the things to be aware of in Shanghai/must do:

1. Plan Your Itinerary Ahead of Time: Once you confirm your travel/arrival date, you should start planning on where you want to go to make every day count! You can download several apps for a map like Baidu Map on your phone to be familiar with street name or nearby places to avoid getting lost.

2. Apply for a Visa: You will need to apply for student visa even though you have a tourist visa because you can only allow to stay in China up to 180 days when you have a student visa.

3. Set a Reminder to Make Reservation for On-Campus Accommodation: It is very competitive to apply for on-campus accommodation, so I strongly recommend setting a reminder or alarm to remind yourself in case you forget since it is based on first come first serve if you are planning to live on campus.

4. Open a Bank Account: You will need to have a bank account because you need to use it to link to Alipay and Wechat wallet so you are able to make payments using these apps. SJTU will provide instructions on how to apply on the registration day.

5. Get a Sim Card: It is very important to have a cell phone plan or phone number in Shanghai because you will need to have a Chinese number to open a bank account and link to Wechat, Alipay, Taobao, etc. especially when you order food/drinks on the apps, the delivery person will need to contact you to be able to deliver the food to you.

6. Currency Exchange: you should do some currency exchange or have some Chinese RMB before you go back to China since you cannot use Wechat pay and Alipay without linking to a bank card if you do not have one.

7. Download Apps such as Wechat, Alipay, Metro, Taobao, Baidu Map: These apps are very helpful and important during my stay in Shanghai! You will need to use Wechat/Alipay to make payments, Taobao for online shopping and Baidu map for directions.

8. Class Registration: There will be an online registration system similar to STAR where you would register for classes and the information will be given by Antai. Be aware that classes are also based on first come first serve and please remember to set a reminder to remind yourself as well.

9. Bring a Portable Charger: As I mentioned before, you will need to use your phone very often whenever you go, so it is better to bring a portable or a phone charger in case your phone ran out of battery.

10. Remember to Bring Tissues/Napkins with You: You may need to bring tissues when you dine out or go to the restroom since most of these places does not provide unless you ask or pay for it.

This is a picture of me standing in front of the temple gate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

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